add_filter( 'auto_plugin_update_send_email', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'auto_theme_update_send_email', '__return_false' ); Famsa – Planet People Agency


360º Experience

FAMSA is a multinational which offers a wide range of services and products. In this case, two of its products were promoted, two new models of road and cross motorcycles. For this action, spaces were created in which the public could see copies of the motorcycles that were promoted. To distinguish itself from the competition and give added value by calling the interest of visitors, an experience with motorcycles as protagonists was proposed.

The public had the possibility to get on a motorcycle, wear a helmet with virtual reality support installed and have an immersive experience. It is an animation in which the public sees itself in the first person, on an exact replica of the motorcycle. During the course of the animation, it circulated through a futuristic stage based on the aesthetics of Tron and later through a mountain stage, all visualized with 360º surround technology.