add_filter( 'auto_plugin_update_send_email', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'auto_theme_update_send_email', '__return_false' ); Consulting and training – Planet People Agency
Doing business is not just working hard and well, since the dynamics of the today’s world indicate that who ignores the importance that a good management of internal and external communication acquires every day, is doomed to business failure.
C&T Small and medium-sized companies always looking for the best way to optimize and make their businesses profitable, without counting on the resources of large companies or multinationals that invest significant sums of money in advertising and communication. So when launching a program communication, wondering, you ask, how to do it? And if it is necessary to contract external services that support the communication of the company.

Why a communication agency?



hy a communication agency?
The fact of working for diverse clients in very different sectors provides the agency with knowledge and experiences that it can put at the service of each client, which gives it objectivity when advising on different issues with a more open look. On the other hand, an agency has a specific team to carry out a project, which speeds up its execution. This means that resources are used when and as they are needed, without the need to oversize an internal department.

How do you work?



ow do you work?
They can be contracted for specific actions or projects. This becomes a good alternative for the company to know the operation of the services offered and then be able to make the decision to hire permanently.




Advantages of hiring an external consultancy for many companies, hiring an external consultancy has become a necessity rather than an option, since it gives them the opportunity to improve, grow and increase their competitiveness in the market, having the guarantee of professionalizing the image of the company.

We meet with you and study what real needs you have, what are the best success options for your business:

  • What design best suits your business, we show you why the professional image of your company is important.
  • What services can you do yourself so you don’t have to hire.
  • We show you why your website has been left in internet limbo if this is the case and how to solve it.
  • Know the latest trends in design.
  • Study of the competition.
It is a professional advisory service offered from an entity external to the company itself that requires this service and that is responsible for providing effective, practical and strategic solutions, personalized depending on the sector where the company develops its activity. All of this focused on design, that is, on the professionalization of image and advertising needs.

Design Thinking



esign Thinking
The most applied strategic methodology in innovation consultancies specializing in the design of products and services.Having a unique and different value proposition, sometimes the saying that strikes first strikes twice is true. Understand that the market is not local but global, and that each market is particular, adapting its value proposition to the real needs of each market. Competing for value and not for price, when you compete for value you are almost alone in the race and you will find few rivals, it is a race in the background. Competing for value is delivering more than what customers would pay for it.
Organizations that have understood their value chain, distributors, suppliers and workers are not simply employees at the service of a goal not understood or shared by them, but potential clients who become the best ambassadors and defenders of a brand.